Family Command Center Calendar

Monday, November 11, 2013

I'm finally done with another small project that will make my life a little less hectic and a lot more organized.

If you've been following me you know that I don't have the ideal mudroom where you can have the much coveted Pottery Barn drop zone but I did create a mini closet mudroom a few weeks ago.  Now that I have a drop zone for when the kids come home I moved on to creating a space where I can ensure that my family is all functioning on the same page.

I decided that the best spot for my command center calendar would be in the kitchen where everyone could see it...Mom, Dad and the kiddios.  Since I decided to put it in the kitchen for everyone to see I tried to make it part of the rooms decor by using a large picture frame (I think I want to change the color to black).  As the kids enter grade school and become more active with after school activities I found that this calendar ensures I don't forget class trips, school exams and parties, Doc's work schedule, doctor's appointments, family and friends birthdays and any other important event.  It also provides a space to write important reminders or to pin up important papers the kids need for school.  So without further delay, here it is......

 I got the great idea from Beckie over at infarrantlycreative and made it my own!!! Why create the wheel?
Here's how I made it:

1.  Picture frame from Joann's or Michaels using my 40% off coupon or an old picture frame.  appx $27.00
2.  Galvanized Sheet Metal from Home Depot.  $19.97

3.  Hot Glue Gun ( I already had one) $2.77 at Walmart
4.  Ribbon in your choice of color/thickness  $1.97 at Walmart
5.  Material in your choice of color (not too thick as you want magnets to be able to stick to the metal behind the material)  $3.00  Walmart or any arts & crafts store.

6.  Tape Measure/Ruler to measure the size of the boxes (I already had one)
7.  Pre-cut Letters in your color/size (I already had some in my scrap booking supplies)

8.  Magnets from Home Depot in your desired size ($11.88)
9.  Circular hole punch from any craft store in your desired size for the dates and activity cut outs (I already had some in my scrap booking supplies)
10.  Pencil or marker to mark where the boxes will be on the material
11.  Picture Hanging Set $3.18
12.  Dry Erase Markers to write on the glass $7.27 from Walmart

the kids LOVE it too!!!!!!

In total I spent approximately  $75 but it is not only a calendar but also part of my kitchen decor.

Here it is AGAIN....I LOVE it!!!!!.......

What makes your family run smoothly?  Do you have a family command center?  Did you make it or purchase?  Please share!!!!


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