Take time Tuesday......Reward your kids...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

There are so many views on when to give children praise or rewards.   Some feel you should give praise but hold off on the rewards as you are guaranteed to create a spoiled monster.

I believe you should give your child praise for all that they do and use mistakes as learning opportunities.

My children play a learning game on a daily basis called cranium crunch (more to come on that).  I give them math problems and they have to complete them in 1 minute to earn points.  At the end of the week if they collect enough points I give them a reward.  Rewards can be anything from a lollipop, ice cream and pizza to a kiddie nail polish kit, special socks or an additional rainbow loom kit.

They ABSOLUTELY LOVE it.  They are so competitive that they have not missed a gift yet.  Last weeks gift (1 month goal) was a nail polish kit, another loom kit and a loom carrying kit.  They were ecstatic and woke up the next morning begging for their morning cranium crunch.

Hey, as adults we love to get end of the year bonuses why can't kids!  Their job is to learn and my kids are doing a GREAT job!

If you have kids, do you believe in rewards?  If so, what do you reward them for?


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