Holiday Preperation

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Before the kids have eaten all of their candy and taken off their costumes the retailers are preparing for the Christmas holiday.  Forget Thanksgiving and the turkey dinner, the christmas tree has been lit.  Every year I say I am going to be ahead of the game with my gift buying, decorating and everything holiday.  Hopefully, this year will be my year.  It's all about being prepared and organized.....list, list and more list and don't forget to set a time frame to have it all done by.  Here is a simple checklist you can use as a guideline to prepare for the upcoming holidays

A.  Are you staying home or going out?  Will you be traveling?  Will you have dinner guest if you are staying home?

  • Staying home without guest.  Come up with a simple dinner menu and start shopping for necessary items.
  • Staying home with dinner guest.  Come up with a dinner menu keeping your guests diet restrictions in mind and start food shopping. Start preparing your home for overnight guest if necessary
  • Traveling for the holiday.  I hope you've already purchased your ticket or will you be hitting the road.  Either way bring a gift for the hostess...something sweet and simple.

A.  It's never to early to start your christmas list.  List all individuals you will be buying gifts for and set a budget (be ready for black friday and/or cyber Monday if this gets your juices flowing)
B.  Where will you be for christmas?  (See Thanksgiving for tips)
C.  As you bring gifts into the house start wrapping
D.  Check you Christmas decorating inventory and try to hit Joann's and Michaels with your 40% off coupon or when they are having a sale on all their holiday decoration.
E.  Get your christmas card list together.  If you are sending out photo Christmas cards try and take the pic NOW!!!!!  Try and get your cards in the mail as early as black Friday and no later than the 2nd week in December.  The longer you wait the more stressful this great tradition will become.

Its that simple.  Really it is!!!!
As the days come and go I will keep you updated on how my holiday prep is coming along.

How are you preparing for the upcoming holidays?


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