Shop Challenge: Stop Shopping and Save

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I can hardly believe that we are already in the 2nd week of May (AWESOME because summer is getting closer) and we still haven't had consistent weather yet.  And this too shall pass.....

For the next two weeks of May (starting May 11, 2014 to May 24, 2014) I've decided to challenge myself and the blogger world out there to:

Now, of course you still have to eat, pay bills and take care of life essential items.  

For me, shopping is an illness and the cure is to identify my needs from wants and to have self control.   I plan to succeed and I hope that you will do the same.

Tip #1
Identify where you spend the most foolishly and why?
For me, I spend the most on decorating my house and engaging in DIY projects.  I plan on decreasing the amount of time I'm on pintrest (where I get a lot of inspiration)...LOL  This is going to be a TOUGH one!  I enjoy decorating and DIY projects but above all I am always striving to have every project completed in my "perfect" house.  
NEWSFLASH:  There will always be a project I want to start/work on and nothing will ever be perfect.  Face it.....I'm human...LOL

Tip #2
Make a list off the top of your head of big and small ticket purchases you would like to make and ask yourself if the purchase would make a huge difference in your life.  For example, I want to plant a garden and flowers.  My yard is already maintained and looks good but flowers would make it look prettier.  So now I ask myself....Is this purchase going to make a diff in my life....Answer:  NO!!!!

Tip #3
Although it is on sale you are still spending money.  Do you really need a new pair of back sandals now because they are on sale or can you survive the summer with the shoes you already have?  Hmmmmmm Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

These three little tips go a long way.
What are your tips that can help us spend a little less?

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